Monday, September 22, 2008


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Thank you, Margaret Mead.

Yes, we can.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Authors & Illustrators for Children voting for Obama . . . yes we CAN!

Some children's authors and illustrators -- some of them VERY big names -- are adding their names to a list to support Obama. If even a few teachers, librarians, parents, and readers stop and think about voting for Obama, it's worth it. Below is the info to add your name if you're a published author or illustrator. I've added mine but it takes a couple of days to show up on the list. We'll create a ripple . . . maybe it'll turn into a wave.

AIC (Authors & Illustrators for Children) can make a difference in this election but first we need YOUR NAME.
We want 500 authors in our ad. We have 74.
That means we need 426 more by the end of next week.

It’s time to act. If you want to be included in the AIC campaign to make Obama our next president, do the following:
If you are a published author and/or illustrator, send an email to The message body should simply be your name as you want it to appear in the ad.
Send this email to 20 authors and illustrators you know. It doesn’t matter if they might have received it from someone else. Get the word out!
That’s the most important part.

In a day or two, check the website to make sure your name is on the list and spelled correctly!:
A group of children's authors and illustrators -- some of them VERY big names in the children's lit world -- are
You can view the ad at:

You can donate to our campaign (credit card, check or PayPal). We’re focusing on swing states, we’re creating printable materials that you can hand out, we’re booking online advertising, we’re producing a video. It all takes money.

That’s it for now. Don’t let this sit in your mailbox. We need 500 authors and we need them now!
Yes we do.
Yes we can!

Our 2008 Ad:
The characters we create inspire our readers.
The character he possesses will inspire a nation.
Join 500 Authors & Illustrators who care about your Children.
Vote for Barack Obama

"Eat Local!" Video

There are so many reasons to eat local foods -- ecologically, you're saving on transportation emissions and packagings (not to mention the cost of both); economically, you're helping those in your own back yard, especially small and family farms; and of course, you're getting the freshest, most vitamin packed foods.

Here's the link to a video contest our state put on, the challenge to eat local for a day. We did it! And it was delicious. And we'll be doing it most of the time now, too.

The Election

This just seems like a good photo for the election . . . .

Friday, September 12, 2008

And as a thank you to KIMBERLY PAULEY . . .

Here's a canvas bag for carrying around all your fabulous books!! AND it's from the literacy site where, in 6 months, almost $12,000 from purchases has been earned to buy free books for kids in need. Even cooler, over $200,000 has been earned just by clicking here:

You can click every single day! It's that easy. Please go! Thanks!


Thanks to Kimberly Pauley, author of SUCKS TO BE ME: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton Teen Vampire (Maybe), and the brain and energy behind, for having me at her blog party a few days ago!

Here's the link:

She was kind enough to celebrate QUAKING along with her own book -- come on by!

Friday, September 5, 2008

International Literacy Day

Here's a link to a great event tomorrow -- students in DC, Ghana and Nigeria sharing info about 2 award winning books they read: COPPER SUN by Sharon Draper and PURPLE HIBISCUS by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.